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Hello from NorCal
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Marie, I sometimes forget to look here - so many things going on! But I did remember you had posted about reading...and remembered when I received a request from a member. Mike Kerr (check out "Bragging Rights" on the Home page) sent out a request for readers. Maybe we should start a "Looking for Readers/Reviews" section here in the forums. I'll get on that now!
I would be interested in participating in a Readers/Critiques section here.

I am not shy but I apologize for going silent for so long.

Hi again everyone :)

Melissa I don't know much about English history from the 5th-12th centuries but I am fascinated about the Danes and Vikings (learned stuff about Vikings and Danes when I visited Ireland last autumn.)
I too would love to hear what your RYAN is about.
I like the idea of a "looking for readers," newsletter section or forum. I'll volunteer. I'll read just about anything. I can't do poetry, or anything not written primarily in English. Otherwise, I'm game.
Yes, things are a little slow. The forums haven't been around until recently, and I'm still trying to get all our shy people to talk! I'm not giving up though, I know it takes a while to get people to try it.

How did the pitching go? Did you find readers? I'm thinking of adding a "looking for readers, critiques, etc. to the newsletter, since it might be faster to get responses, at least until people start logging in more frequently.

I have several works in progress: nonfiction on African Americans in Newport RI (in editing stage); my longest running WP is a novel set in Civil War Richmond VA; and just started a novel (historical paranormal) set in early nineteenth century Philly.

What is RYAN about?

Sorry for the lack of follow up. I didn't see a lot of action on the site so I kinda gave up. I had hoped it would be a little more active since it is so hard to find historical fiction writers.
I am in the process of getting Ryan, the working title of my MS, ready for pitching in Nov. It's been a mad dash trying to find readers, make edits and make sure my research is tight.

Are you currently working on anything?
Hello again! Saw you on the other thread and said HI, but now I get to know more about you here. We have a crossed path in our interests; I also delve a bit into the rum trade and pirates in my work on the Transatlantic Slave Trade. My hometown of Newport RI was a point in the triangular well as the leading distributor of Guinea Rum!

So nice to meet another woman who dreamed of being the

Well.... it's been hit or miss. Most of the books written about the Danes all say the same thing. I find most of it is told from a non Danish point of view, if that makes any sense. One of the biggest hurdles was finding any information about London during that time period. All I can hope is I get it right enough that people will want to read it.

Hi Melissa,

It is nice to meet you here.

Your work in progress sounds intriguing. How are you finding researching background for your story?

My name is Melissa, I live in San Jose CA but sometimes let my Midwest (Minnesota) roots show. I found this group after participating in a webinar through WD on historical fiction. I belong to a women's fiction writing group (which I love) but find I need a little more in the historical fiction side. I hope to learn from this group as much as I have from that group.

I love English history anything from about the 5 century to the 12 century, but also enjoy the rum soaked history of the pirates... and rum. I am currently working on a Danish aka Viking manuscript set in 1012 England.

I grew up reading fairy tales but envied the prince who got to fight the dragons or ride off into the sunset.

I look foward to 'meeting' and working with everyone!
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